Ametek Thermox WDG-V Flue Gas Oxygen & Combustibles Analyzer

The WDG-V Combustion Analyzer has been designed to provide an additional layer of safety with the measurement of excess O2, Combustibles and Methane and by using these measurements to ensure the safe operation of the Burner Management System.

  • Zirconium oxide for net oxygen measurement and dual hot-wire catalytic detectors for both combustibles and methane
  • Precise control of low O2 setpoints with confidence
  • CO detection for control interlocks and safety shutdown
  • Predictive diagnostics
  • SIL 2 Capable for SIS implementation of IEC 16508/61511

• Internal flow sensor for probe tip to exhaust port sample system confidence
• Accurate combustibles (COe) monitoring
• Versatility in flange mounting options, digital communications and data management
• Completely field-serviceable

• Process heaters
• Steam boilers
• Thermal oxidizers

• Refining and petrochemical
• Power and steam generation
• Furnace and kilns


Alco Automation Pte Ltd