Process Integration is in our DNA

ALCO AUTOMATION PTE LTD is a renowned process instrumentation company, incorporated in Singapore.

Since its inception in 1994, ALCO AUTOMATION has been continually developing unique capabilities in engineering systems applied in major projects by providing solutions and integrating quality instrumentation for many organizations across a broad spectrum of industries.

This has been made possible with the integration of wide range of products with seamless advanced technologies that ALCO AUTOMATION represents, which are selected after strenuous evaluation. Coupled with a dedicated in-house R&D team and tapping on the strength of experienced field engineers within ALCO AUTOMATION’s organization, we have been delivering successful solutions to our customers over the years.

What We Do

Supply & Integration of Quality Instrumentation

Customised Solutions

Design and building customised instrumentation solutions to meet our customer’s technical requirements 

Technical Service

Alco provides quality technical support services ranging from set-up and installation to preventive maintenance 


Headquartered in Singapore, our knowledgeable & experienced team provides Marketing, Sales, Application and Technical Services to customers spanning across the Asia Pacific region. In addition, our capabilities include product integration and customized systems development according to specific requirements of our customers. Our team of experienced engineers will undertake a systematic approach to designing and integrating each system.

To ensure that end products conform to international standards, all completed systems are subjected to stringent quality control testing before being delivered to our valued customers.

Only the Best

ALCO AUTOMATION proudly represents a variety of systems and equipment with cutting edge technology for world renowned manufacturers of:


Process & Environmental Analytical Instruments & Systems


Fire & Gas Detection Systems for Hazardous Areas


Flame Safeguard Control & Burner Management Systems


Hydrogen Leak Detection & Process Gas Measurement Solutions


Power Quality Instrumentation & Annunciator Systems

Years Established

Completed Projects

Field Engineers

Product experts


To be a global leader as an instrumentation solution provider to the process industries.


» Serving our customers with Quality Instrumentation and Systems with Superior Value, Performance and Reliability

» Partnering our customers in their efforts towards achieving highest Productive and Economic Goals

» Dedicating our services for a “Safer and Greener Environment”

Core Values


Meeting all challenges with a positive and right attitude.


Strengthen our roles as leaders in providing reliable and cost effective product support services to process industries.


Respond to our customers’ needs, providing innovative solutions that add value to our customers and build long-lasting relationships with them.


Perform professional services with our customers’ best interests as our primary objective. We aim to set the highest standards in the delivery of our services to every customer.

Contact Us @ 

1 + 13 =

9 Tagore Lane, #01-09, Singapore 787472

Alco Automation Pte Ltd