Ametek Process Instruments 5000 Process Moisture Analyzer

The 5100 TDLAS uses a Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS). The 5100 hosts a single laser platforom to measure a single gas analte. It can measure any one of the following gas analytes: – water vapor, methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and oxygen in process/flue gas. The 5100 TDLAS is designed to handle sample gases with dew points as high as 55degC.

A key feature of the 5100 is the use of a sealed reference cell, which contains a known amount of analyte gas measured, for referencing the emission wavelength of the laser. The use of a reference cell enables both the ability to line-lock the lasers and to continuously verify the instrument calibration.


Alco Automation Pte Ltd